Diverse faculty: leading legal minds
Wayne State University Law School faculty members are influential scholars in areas ranging from tribal sovereignty to labor organizing, from international arbitration to the legal substructure of health disparities. Their recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in top journals, including the Columbia Law Review, Michigan Law Review, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, California Law Review, Northwestern University Law Review, Washington University Law Review, Vanderbilt Law Review, Iowa Law Review, Notre Dame Law Review and Indiana Law Journal. Here we share a selection of that work.
Associate Professor Sabrina Balgamwalla

- Anti-Carceral Theory & Immigration: A View from Two Law School Clinics, 67 St. Louis U. L.J. 491 (2023) (with Lauren E. Bartlett).
- ICE Transfers and the Detention Archipelago, 31 J.L. & Pol’y 1 (2023).
- Commentary on Landon v. Plasencia, 459 U.S. (1982) in Feminist Judgments: Immigration Law Opinions Rewritten (2023).
Professor Charles Brower

- Dirty Secret: The Laundering of Foreign Arbitral Awards, 75 UC L.J. 261 (2024) (formerly Hastings L.J.).
- Neglected, Perplexing, Unpredictable: Remedies in International Commercial Arbitration, 102 Neb. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2024).
- Against Imperial Arbitrators: The Brilliance of Canada’s New Model Investment Treaty, 17 FIU L. Rev. 1 (2023).
- Putin vs. Zelensky: Reflections on Leadership, Global Order, and the Rule of Law, 45 U. Ark. Little Rock L. Rev. 47 (2022).
Associate Professor Nancy Chi Cantalupo

- 1/20,000th of a Person: Democracy & Protecting Equal Rights in Notice & Comment Rulemaking, 44 Colum. J. Gender & L. (forthcoming 2024).
- Civil Rights Approaches to Address Gender-Based Violence as Gender Inequality, in Gender-Based Crime: Learning Through Experts and Cases (Kathleen Bogle ed., 2023).
- The Title IX Movement Against Campus Sexual Violence: How a Civil Rights Law Inspired a Feminist Movement & Vice Versa, in The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Legal Theory (Deborah L. Brake, Martha Chamallas, and Verna L. Williams eds., 2021).
- Title IX Symposium Keynote Speech: Title IX & the Civil Rights Approach to Sexual Harassment in Education, 25 Roger Williams U. L. Rev. 225 (2020).
Professor Kirsten Matoy Carlson

- Dividing Authority Three Ways: Federal-Tribal-State Relations after Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta, 53 Publius 405 (2023).
- Representation, Participation, and Influence: Comparing Native Advocacy with Organized Interests at the Federal Level, Soc. Sci. J. (2023).
- The Democratic Difficulties of Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerto, 45 New Pol. Sci. 239 (2023).
- Bringing Congress and Indians Back into Federal Indian Law: The Restatement of the Law of American Indians, 97 Wash. L. Rev. 725 (2022).
- Beyond Descriptive Representation: American Indian Opposition to Federal Legislation, 7 J. Race, Ethnicity & Pol. 65 (2022).
- Federal Lawmaking and Policymaking, in Tribal Administration Handbook (Joseph Bauerkemper and Rebecca Webster eds., 2022) (with Tadd Johnson, Wendy Helgamo, and Laura Painter).
- Participation in Federal and State Politics, in Tribal Administration Handbook (Joseph Bauerkemper and Rebecca Webster eds., 2022) (with Michael D.O. Rusco, and Patrice Kunesh).
- Rethinking Legislative Advocacy, 80 Md. L. Rev. 960 (2021).
- White Opposition to Native American Sovereignty: Association with “the Casino Indian Stereotype” and Perceived Conflict of Interest, 17 Du Bois Rev. 55 (2020) (with Laurel Davis-Delano, Renee Galliher, Arianne Eason and Stephanie Fryberg).
Associate Professor William Ortman

- The Prosecution Bar, 101 Wash. U. L. Rev. 123 (2023).
- Plea Bargaining and Guilty Plea, in Elgar Encyclopedia of Crime and Criminal Justice (Caeiro, Gless, & Mitsilegas, eds.) (2023).
- Plea Bargaining Abolitionism: A History, 20 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. (forthcoming).
- The Informed Jury, 75 Vand. L. Rev. 823 (2022) (with Daniel Epps).
- Confrontation in the Age of Plea Bargaining, 121 Colum. L. Rev. 451 (2021).
- The Defender General, 168 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1469 (2020) (with Daniel Epps).
- When Plea Bargaining Became Normal, 100 B.U. L. Rev. 1435 (2020).
Professor Lance Gable

- Global Health Law and the Climate Crisis: An Unfulfilled Opportunity, 51 J. L. Med. & Ethics 694 (2023).
- Wastewater Monitoring for Infectious Disease: Intentional Relationships between Academia, the Private Sector, and Local Health Departments for Public Health Preparedness, 20 Int’l J. Env’t. Rsch. & Pub. Health 6651 (2023) (with Jeffrey L. Ram, William Shuster, Carrie L. Turner, James Hatrick, Adrian A. Vasquez, Nicholas W. West, Azadeh Bahmani, and Randy E. David).
- Pursuing Climate Justice: Learning the Lessons of the COVID-19 Response, 16 Saint Louis U. J. Health L. & Pol’y 5 (2022).
- Ethical and Legal Wastewater Surveillance, 379 Science 652 (2023) (with Natalie Ram, William Shuster, and Jeffrey L. Ram).
- The Future of Wastewater Monitoring for the Public Health, 56 U. Rich. L. Rev. 911 (2022)(with Natalie Ram and Jeffrey L. Ram).
- Public Health Executive Decision-Making: Responsibilities, Strategies, and Consequences, in Public Health Law: Concepts and Case Studies (Montrece McNeill Ransom & Laura Magaña Valladares eds.) (2022) (with Denise Chrysler, Donna Levin, and Peter D. Jacobson).
- Transcending the Gender Binary under International Law: Advancing Health-Related Human Rights for Trans Populations, 50 J. L. Med. & Ethics 409 (2022) (with Aoife M. O’Connor, Maximillian Seunik, Blas Radi, Liberty Matthyse, Hanna E. Huffstetler, and Benjamin Mason Meier).
- COVID-19: The Promise and Failure of Law in an Inequitable Nation, 111 Am. J. Pub. Health 47 (2021) (with Wendy E. Parmet, Scott Burris, Sarah De Guia, Donna E. Levin, and Nicolas P. Terry).
- Disasters and Disability, in The Cambridge Handbook of Disaster Law and Policy: Risk, Recovery and Redevelopment (John Travis Marshall, Ryan Rowberry, and Susan S. Kuo eds., 2022).
- Preemption and Privatization in the Opioid Epidemic, 13 Ne. Univ. L. Rev. 297 (2021)
- The Legal Responses to COVID-19: Legal Pathways to a More Effective and Equitable Response, 27 J. Pub. Health Management & Prac. 72 (2021) (with Scott Burris, Sarah De Guia, Donna E. Levin, Wendy E. Parmet and Nicolas P. Terry).
- Legal and Ethical Implications of Wastewater Sars-CoV-2 Monitoring for COVID-19 Surveillance, 7 J.L. & the Biosci. (2020) (with Natalie Ram and Jeffrey Ram).
- Teaching the Future: Legal Epidemiology as a Model of Transdisciplinary Education, 26 J. Pub. Health Management & Prac. 96 (2020).
Professor Noah Hall

- Flint’s Fight for Environmental Rights, 117 Nw. U. L. Rev. 123 (2022).
- Public Trust Doctrine, in Anthony Zelle et al., Earth Law: Emerging Ecocentric Law—A Guide for Practitioners (Aspen, 2021).
Associate Professor Jalila Jefferson-Bullock

- Returning to Retribution: A More Dignified Approach to Drug Sentencing, 19 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. (2022).
- That’s Enough Punishment: Abolishing and Defunding the Police and the Carceral State, 48 Urb. L.J. 625 (2021) (with Jelani Jefferson Exum).
- A Little Child Shall Lead Them: Juvenile Justice, Aging Out, and the FIRST Step Act, 87 Tenn. L. Rev. 569 (2020).
- Restoring Dignity in Criminal Punishment, 54 New Eng. L. Rev. 199 (2020).
- Let My People Go: A Call for the Swift Release of Elderly Prisoners in the Wake of COVID-19, 32 Fed. Sent. R. 286 (2020).
Professor Chris Lund

- Favoritism, Coercion, and the Establishment Clause, 121 Mich. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2024) (book review of Nathan Chapman & Michael McConnell, Agreeing to Disagree: How the Establishment Clause Protects Religious Diversity and Freedom of Conscience (2022)).
- In Defense of Offended-Observer Standing, Wayne L. Rev. (forthcoming 2024) (symposium).
- Answers to Fulton’s Questions, 108 Iowa L. Rev. 2075 (2023) (symposium).
- Church Autonomy in the United States, in Freedom of Religion and Religious Pluralism (Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan & Carla M. Zoethout eds.) (2023).
- Discrimination, Trump v. Hawaii, and Masterpiece Cakeshop, 56 Ga. L. Rev. 1551 (2022).
- Second-Best Free Exercise, 91 Fordham L. Rev. 843 (2022).
- Sex Offenders and the Free Exercise of Religion, 96 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1025 (2021).
- Reconsidering Thornton v. Caldor, 97 Wash. U. L. Rev. 1687 (2020).
Professor Michael Oswalt

- Power and Pay Secrecy, 99 Ind. L. J. 43 (2024) (with Jake Rosenfeld and Patrick Denice).
- Liminal Labor Law, 110 Cal. L. Rev. 1855 (2022).
- Alt-Labor Law: Symposium Introduction, 95 Chi.-Kent. L. Rev. 3 (2020) (with César Rosado Marzán).
- Short Strikes, 95 Chi.-Kent. L. Rev. 67 (2020) (symposium).
Associate Professor Heather Walter-McCabe

- LGBTQ+ People, in Essentials of Health Justice: Law, Policy, and Structural Change (Elizabeth Tobin-Tyler & Joel B. Teitelbaum, eds.) (2023).
- Commentary on Smith v. Rasmussen, in Feminist Judgments: Health Law Opinions Rewritten (Seema Mohapatra & Lindsay F. Wiley eds.) (2022).
- Editor’s Introduction: Transgender Health Equity and the Law, 50 J. L. Med. & Ethics 401 (2022) (with Alexander Chen).
- The Challenges of Conducting Intrastate Policy Surveillance: A Methods Note on County and City Laws in Indiana, 111 Am. J. Pub. Health 1095 (2021) (with Lindsey Sanner, Sean Grant and Ross D. Silverman).
- An Argument for Explicit Public Health Rationale in LGBTQ Antidiscrimination Law as A Tool for Stigma Reduction, 13 St. Louis U. J. Health L. & Pol’y 147 (2020) (with M. Killian Kinney).
- Coronavirus Health Inequities in the United States Highlight Need for Continued Community Development Efforts, 2 Int’l J. Comm. & Soc. Devel. 211 (2020).
- Coronavirus Pandemic Calls for an Immediate Social Work Response, 35 Soc. Work in Pub. Health 69 (2020).
Assistant Professor Maya Watson

- Inaccessible Health Care, 92 UMKC L. Rev. 393 (2024).
- Filling the gaps: A community case study in using an interprofessional approach and community-academic partnerships to address COVID-19-related inequities, 11 Frontiers in Public Health 1 (with Marisa L. Kutchma et al.) (2023).
- An Inter-professional AntiRacist Curriculum is Paramount to Addressing Racial Inequities in Health, 50 J.L. Med. & Ethics 109 (2022) (with Abigail Silva, Jessica L. Simpson, and L. Kate Mitchell).
- A Civil Rights Act for Public Health, 98 U. Det. Mercy L. Rev. 299 (2021).
- Professor Steven Winter
- Democracy’s Ruling Hand, 50 Phil. & Soc. Criticism (forthcoming 2024).
- The Made and the Made-Up, 49 Phil. & Soc. Criticism 631 (2023).
- Bridges of Law, Ideology, and Commitment, 37 Touro L. Rev. (2022).
- “Who” or “What” Is the Rule of Law?, 47 Phil. & Soc. Criticism 1 (2021).
- Keeping Faith with Nomos, 35 Touro L. Rev. 345 (2020).
Professor Julia Qin

- Multi-Party Interim Appeal Arbitration Arrangement, in Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law (2023).
- Turkey-Pharmaceuticals: The First WTO Arbitration for Appellate Review, 49 Legal Issues Econ. Integration 415 (2022).
- WTO Reform: Multilateral Control over Unilateral Retaliation—Lessons from the US-China Trade War, 12 Trade L. & Dev. 456 (2020).
Professor Brad Roth

- Implementing ‘Two Peoples, One Future’: Conceptualizing Mutual Self-Determination in Israel-Palestine, 80 Europa Ethnica 79 (2023).
- Justice and International Law in Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (M.N.S. Sellers & Stephan Kirste, eds.) (2023).
- Self-Determination as the Basis for a Right to Secession, in The Routledge Handbook of Self-Determination and Secession (Aleksandar Pavkovic, Peter Radan & Ryan Griffiths, eds.) (2023).
- Self-Determination Short of Secession in Research Handbook on Secession (Jure Vidmar, Lea Raible & Sarah McGibbon, eds.) (2022).
- Democratization’s Discontents: Rediscovering the Virtues of the Non-Intervention Norm, 23 Chi. J. of Int’l L. 160 (2022).
- The Trajectory of the Democratic Entitlement Thesis in International Legal Scholarship: A Reply to Akbar Rasulov. 32 Eur. J. Int’l L. 49 (2021).
- Legitimacy in the International Order: The Continuing Relevance of Sovereign States 11 Notre Dame J. Int’l & Comp. L. 60 (2021).
- Advancing Peaceful Settlement and Democratization: The Doubtful Usefulness of International Electoral Norms in International Law and Peace Settlements (Marc Weller, Mark Retter & Andrea Varga, eds.) (2021).
- Democracy and International Law: A (Re-)Introduction, in Democracy and International Law (Gregory H. Fox & Brad R. Roth, eds.) (2020).